Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chapter 3: The Psychopath Test (Summary and Reaction)

In this Chapter, Jon Ronson explores the methods of curing psychopaths. Ronson tells the story through the biogrophy of Elliet Barker who was a budding psychiatrist back in the mid-1960s. Barker wanted to find a cure that avenge psychopath from their suffereings-he started by traveling the world observing other psychitrists and their methods. In Palm Springs, Californaia Barker observed nude psychothearpy seassions ocurring under the lead of psychotherpist Paul Bindrim. Barker later on observed the work of many psychiatrists, including those from turkey, Greece, West Berlin, Japan, Korea,and Hong Kong. Barker returned london, and the Oak Ridge hospital board, impressed by the details of his journey, offered him a job. Here, Barker incoporated into his own work with the work of many psychiatirsts which developed into intense LSD treatment. In 1971 the transformation of the psychopaths that where treated by Barker's method was caught on film. The progress of Barker's methods came to a halt when Gary Maier took over. Barry Boyd, Oakridge's medical director, ordered Maier to lower the his use of LSD in the patients. Unfortunately, the decrease of LSD lead to darastic changes in the progress of  patients. 80% of the psychopaths that were released from Oakridge's Hospital reoffended.
This chapter was really wierd. My mind went from having images of naked people having thearapy to feces being spread on the wall. Just, reading about this made me feel a little "psycho". i don't understand how a psychiatrist can study the problems of psychopaths and not become psycho themselves. The dialogue from psychopaths that Ronson included were dialogue that can be heard in horror films. For example the words of Peter Woodcock,"I regret that children died, but i felt like God. It was the power of GOd over a human being. ..It was the pleasure it gave me. I got very litter pleasure fro anything else in life. But the strangling of children I found a degree  and a sensation of pleasure. And of accomplishment". After I read this chapter my head began to hurt and I took some tylenol. Luckily, I woke up fine the next mourning.

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